FURBUS: Food resilience and sustainable eating in urbancommunities

Project number: 2022-2-LT01-KA210-ADU-000098397


The ‘FURBUS Project is dedicated to reshaping food habits andpromoting sustainable eating practices. This transnationalinitiative addresses the critical issue of food waste, offeringinnovative solutions to educate and engage adults, particularlythose in urban areas. By leveraging international expertise andbest practices, the project aims to reduce food waste, fosterresponsible food consumption, and contribute to climate action.Join us in the journey towards a more sustainable future.#SustainableEating #FURBUSProject #FoodResilience


1.Create an interactive digital map to share 60 best practices for food waste reduction and sustainable eating.
2.Develop an online learning course for adults on food wastereduction and sustainable eating.
3. Enhance the knowledge and skills of adults and adult educationproviders in food waste reduction and sustainability throughlocal training events.


1.Create a digital map for food waste reduction best practices.
2.Develop an online course on food waste reduction.
3.Host local training for better food waste knowledge

Project website 

Project partners